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Zip 2011 Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun Full Version .pdf Utorrent Book

Terjemah Kitab Qurrotul Uyun.pdf, written by Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak and published in 2011. Published by Ibnu Sina Library and located on the site:, is a translated work from Arabic to English of Book 12 of the Islamic holy book, "Qur'an Al-`Anbiya". The author wrote the work as a translation for those who may not be able to read Arabic but need it explained in an understandable way. The work was translated from Arabic into English by Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, a scholar of Islam. The Book of Qur'an Al-`Anbiya' 12 was written by Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak as a translation for those who may not be able to read Arabic but need it explained in an understandable way. The book is located on the library website:, under the Entertainment category. The author, Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, wrote this book to inform his readers about the contents of the book of Qur'an al-`Anbiya’ 12. It is very important for Muslims to read texts like these because they can help them better understand some Qur'anic verses. The author gives details on where some events took place, which helps the reader understand better. The writing style of this translated work makes it easy to read and follow along with what is being said. The general theme of the book is that Allah had given Moses power over fire, but he did not show it off to anyone except his family. The book points out that Moses did not show off this power but made sure no one knew about it. This was a very important point to point out in the Qur'an because it shows that Allah has given people abilities that are not visible to the public. The ability of Moses was only known to his family, which points out how valuable he was as a prophet. The translation of this work is very simple to follow. The writing style is easy to read and understand. It also makes it easy for readers who are not able to read Arabic because they can still understand what is being said. The translation of this work is very simple to follow. The writing style is easy to read and understand. It also makes it easy for readers who are not able to read Arabic because they can still understand what is being said.'an/Volume_12/Translated%20Transcription,%20Translator,%20Subject,%20Author.htm http://www.britannica. cfa1e77820

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